by Katheryn M. Ogle, Attorney Many believe that the term “foster care” extends to anyone who is caring for a child, or may have custody of a child who is not their own; however, the definition of foster care in a legal sense requires that individuals and families are approved by the State of Tennessee Department of Children’s Services (DCS)…

Whether you are an entrepreneur looking to formalize a new business concept or a hobbyist who has found a niche market and wants to capitalize on the idea, the area of business law may be of some interest to you.

By: Brandon M. Allen Family Law: What In World Is That? You have likely observed billboards and television commercials offering legal services for injuries sustained in a car wreck, but what in the world is family law and may it be of some benefit to you? Family law covers a variety of legal services that represent a significant portion of…

By: Brandon M. Allen Anyone who has watched a few hours of television is familiar with traditional trial and courtroom settings. Judges in black robes and jury boxes full of people comes to mind when thinking of the way in which your case may be resolved. While this process of resolution has worked adequately for decades, it also comes at…

Unfortunately, injuries happen daily and come in all shapes and forms. So if you do find yourself on the side of the road looking at a crumpled car and wondering what’s next, allow me to break a few things down for you.

If you, your family or friends, have been injured in an automobile accident, truck accident, slip, and fall accident, or through other means, as a result of someone else’s negligence or reckless conduct, you may be entitled to recover money damages from the person or persons who caused the injury.

Traditionally, one of the busiest months in domestic law is February. Sometimes, despite one’s best efforts, the same marital issues that were present the year before are still lingering, and the glow of the holidays has worn off.