The attorneys at McDonald, Levy & Taylor, PLLC can help navigate when to and how to negotiate new terms for child support & alimony.

The attorneys at McDonald, Levy & Taylor, PLLC can help navigate when to and how to negotiate new terms for child support & alimony.
The attorneys at McDonald, Levy & Taylor, PLLC can help navigate when to and how to negotiate new terms for child support & alimony.
The attorneys at McDonald, Levy & Taylor, PLLC can help navigate when to and how to negotiate new terms for child support & alimony.
Traditionally, one of the busiest months in domestic law is February. Sometimes, despite one’s best efforts, the same marital issues that were present the year before are still lingering, and the glow of the holidays has worn off.
Ending a marriage is a complicated, trying, and complex experience. One must address everything that has been part of their marriage. This can include money, children, property division, stress, as well as a full gamut of emotional chaos.